Charlotte and Jordan's New Mills Wedding Party!
Charlotte and Jordan always seemed like they were party people. Lots of friends, big know the type, never ones to miss a chance to let their hair down and party on...Well this couple from way over in New Mills, Nottingham, didn't let me down with their wedding day, and their party after it. A gloriously sunny day, a warm night, a great big venue, with a big dance floor...
I know I say I am a Shropshire wedding photographer, but I will travel anywhere for a good, a good wedding...and I was glad to have made the trip over there that day! This wedding had it all. A dressed up dog at the service, great people, relaxed guests, a magician, LOTS of sweets, a kicking DJ, plenty of booze, a beautiful rural venue...
Deep down, who doesn't enjoy a good dance? Who doesn't want to make some shapes on the dance floor? Who doesn't want some great pictures of it to remind them just how well their party - and the day itself - went?
So, enough of this babble, you came here to see pictures of people enjoying a good old fashioned party wedding day...