Alyson and Julian's Gorgeous Garden Marquee Wedding

I am a bit of an old romantic.  You know those perfect days you see in films or TV shows. Where the bloke gets his girl and they get married to a raucous and happy party, on a beautiful day with perfect weather, there is plenty of laughter, and fun and some drinking, and lots of emotion and tears and happy, happy people chat and dance and sing and party…

They don’t really happen do they?

Oh yes they bloody do! I saw it happen at Alyson and Julian’s wedding day on Saturday – the hottest and sunniest day of the year blazed away as Alyson and Julian tied the knot in the Georgian splendour of Shrewsbury Castle’s ceremony room, and then took drinks on the lawn with their guests before returning home to a marquee in their back garden (just round the corner from this Shropshire Wedding Photographer’s house!) where family and friends spent the afternoon and evening in, basically, perfection. Superb food, fantastic company, an open bar…it was the party that this party-loving couple wanted and deserved and ultimately got. 

But the thing that they really got - the thing that really mattered - was that they got each other. 

Here’s some pics of their day…


The Mill Barns - A Venue Guide


Evy and David's *finally* day at Broome Park, Kent